托辊轴承的维护与保养 |
添加时间:2023/7/13 15:32:08 浏览次数: |
Maintenance and Maintenance of Roller Bearing
Periodic maintenance (periodic inspection) of roller bearings can
make full use of and maintain their proper performance for a long time.
1. Inspection and judgment of roller bearings
In order to judge whether the removed bearing can be reused, it is
important to check its dimensional accuracy, rotation accuracy, internal
clearance and mating surface, raceway surface, cage and sealing ring.
The results of the inspection can be judged by those who are
familiar with the conventional bearings or those who are proficient in
The criteria for judgment vary according to the mechanical
performance and importance, as well as the inspection cycle. If the
following damage occurs, the bearing shall not be reused and must be
1) 托辊配件轴承零部件的断裂和缺陷。
1) Fracture and defect of bearing parts of idler fittings.
2) 滚道面物滚动面的剥离。
2) stripping of rolling surface of raceway surface.
上一页 托辊轴承的维护与保养 |
下一页 影响托辊运转灵活程度及其使用寿命的因素 |