影响托辊运转灵活程度及其使用寿命的因素 |
添加时间:2023/7/5 15:24:35 浏览次数: |
影响托辊运转灵活程度及其使用寿命的因素主要有以下几方面。 The factors that affect the operation flexibility and service life of idler are as follows. (1)托辊的制造质量。主要表现在轴承座的刚度不够,难以保证托辊的装配精度,从而制约了托辊运转的灵活性。 (1) manufacturing quality of idler. The main performance is that the rigidity of the bearing seat is not enough to ensure the assembly accuracy of the idler, which restricts the flexibility of the idler operation. (2)密封润滑及使用维护。由于皮带输阳雕刻 手套生产设备 果树反光膜 北京纯水设备 保定网站制作 排水槽模具送机的工作环境较为恶劣,一般来说使用现场的粉尘都很大,轴承座的密封形式对托辊运转灵活性影响很大,如果密封不好,污物就容易进入轴承内造成托辊转动不灵活;另外,轴承润滑脂如果采用一般钙基润滑脂很容易变色变干,不能起到很好的润滑作用。 (2) seal lubrication and use maintenance. Because the working environment of the belt conveyor is relatively bad, generally speaking, the dust on the site is very large, and the sealing form of the bearing pedestal has a great influence on the operation flexibility of the idler. If the sealing is not good, the dirt will easily enter the bearing and cause the rotation of the idler to be inflexible; in addition, if the general calcium base grease is used, it is easy to change color and dry, so it cannot play a good role in lubrication Effect |
上一页 托辊轴承的维护与保养 |
下一页 按材质分为橡胶托辊、陶瓷托辊 |