皮带输送机托辊是托辊的总称 |
添加时间:2021/11/16 14:13:10 浏览次数: |
皮带输送机托辊是托辊的总称,包括各种槽型托辊,缓冲托辊,平行托辊等。规格从89到219,根据不同的皮带输送机型号进行选择和安装。目前包括铁质托辊,陶瓷托辊,橡胶托辊等。是皮带输送机使用量最大,维护最为方便的部件之一。 Idler of belt conveyor is the general term of idler, including various groove type idler, buffer idler, parallel idler, etc. Specifications from 89 to 219, according to different belt conveyor model selection and installation. At present, it includes iron roller, ceramic roller, rubber roller, etc. It is one of the most convenient parts for belt conveyor to use and maintain. 皮带输送机托辊的维护保养: Maintenance of belt conveyor idler: 由于皮带输送机托辊占皮带输送机部件数量最大,因此对于皮带输送机托辊来说,维护保养就显的特别重要了。皮带输送机托保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 辊在使用过程中要保证维持在干燥环境中,对于损坏托辊要及时更换。及时清理托辊上附着的物料。保持辊面干净。 As the idler of belt conveyor accounts for the largest number of parts of belt conveyor, so for the idler of belt conveyor, maintenance is particularly important. The idler of belt conveyor shall be kept in a dry environment during use, and the damaged idler shall be replaced in time. Clean the attached materials on the idler timely. Keep the roll surface clean |
上一页 托辊胶辊在使用过程中常因异物造成表面划伤或硌伤 |
下一页 影响托辊运转灵活程度及其使用寿命的因素主要有以下几方面 |