陶瓷托辊 |
添加时间:2019/8/24 16:37:03 浏览次数: |
陶瓷托辊:行稳定,防盗等特点,而且陶瓷托辊可有效防止皮带跑偏,减少皮带的局部损失,延长皮带使用寿命,减少了频繁更换托辊在露天恶劣环境下使用,陶瓷托辊要比普通托辊寿命长的多。陶瓷托辊强度高,耐磨性能好。陶瓷托辊使用寿命长 ,且能减少皮带磨损。耐高温、抗氧化,抗腐蚀性能强,陶瓷托辊适宜于各种恶劣环境。 无静电,磨损碰撞时不易产生火花 , 陶瓷托辊适宜于煤井等易环境。性能稳定, 能有效防止皮带运输机跑偏、拉叉、发热起火工。 Ceramic roller: stable, anti-theft and other characteristics, and ceramic roller can effectively prevent belt deviation, reduce the local loss of the belt, prolong the service life of the belt, reduce the frequent replacement of roller in the harsh open environment, ceramic roller is much longer than the life of ordinary roller. Ceramic roller has high strength and good wear resistance. Ceramic roller has long service life and can reduce belt wear. High temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, strong corrosion resistance, ceramic roller suitable for all kinds of harsh environment. There is no static electricity and sparks are not easy to produce when wear and collision occurs. Ceramic roller is suitable for easy environment such as coal well. It has stable performance and can effectively prevent belt conveyor from running off, fork pulling and pyrotechnics. |
上一页 槽型托辊的性能特点 |
下一页 托辊主要分类 |